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Planning a Road Rally

1. Decide on a theme, preferably one that is universal to all teams but can be sub-classified into mini-themes.

2. Find a destination house or hotel, based upon an estimate of number of guests, costs and ease of travelling there.

3. Assign tasks: clue writing, logistics, and technical.

4. Decide on if it is a linear or non-linear rally.

5. Will there be videos or recordings? Will third parties be used? What is the mode of transport or is it a combination? It can be: cars, motorcycles, buses, taxis, subways, limos, golf carts, ATV 's. Or it can be done completely on foot.

6. Evaluate costs of all items, including food, alcohol, and incidentals. Charge accordingly with an idea of how many will confirm.

7. Send out the invite at least several months ahead of time for guests to coordinate travel plans and costs. If necessary collect the fee in installments. Planning should commence a year ahead of time for international rallies. Assume last minute cancellations which may affect team composition and the need for fewer vehicles. Cars should not be left at the rally start point.

8. Find and pay for trophies suitable for theme and transportability. Is there a DFL trophy?

9. Scout clue sites. A micro recorder is helpful. International rallies can be done with three two week long visits.

10. Write clue sheets.

      a. Write a clever intro describing the team's mission. 

      b. Clue sheet #1 sends team to first site. Little clue #1 typed           on a separate Little Clue Page should be small and                       hideable. It should be numbered accordingly and above it           should be typed the location where it will be found. All               other little clues will follow, in the same numbered and             titled fashion. When hiding the clues, cut them out but             keep the titles above and remove them with scissors once           you find the location. Clue sheet continues in the same               zig-zag fashion up to about ten clue sheet clues and little           clues.

      c. Use  a poster board to map the teams and clues and                    make the difficulty consistent. You can use post-it notes            to change the set up. Later you will use a planting grid

          so you can accommodate closing times of merchants                  and museums as well the corruptibility of the clue. The              more corruptible the clue, the later it must be planted,              (oftentimes in the early morning hours of the rally send              off ). Most clues must be planted no earlier than two                 weeks before.

        d. Do not use two-part clues. They are confusing.

        e. Use trustworthy third parties who give you their cell                  number and shift. Bartenders have proven to be                          exceedingly unreliable. If you are thinking of homeless              people, have your head examined.

        f. Place the hotline(s) clearly at the end of the clue sheet.

11. Hiding clues: beware of security, children, and lines. If you are planting an "animal" (mini-bottle, puzzle-piece state , plastic figurine) as an extra challenge, make it obvious and within a designated radius. Avoid corrupting factors, such  as  the presence of gardening, curious children, or rainy weather.

Clues should be laminated or in zip locks. Optional (duplicate) clues can be used to enhance recovery rates by hiding them in a certain range of the original.

12. Presentation: time is of the essence, and if people are delayed, that is on them. Give the teams two clue sheets each in the event one is lost or stolen. Providing coffee, tea or orange juice is an excellent idea.

13. Team composition: try to organize 3 to 4 person teams with a balance of skill, experience, mobility and compatibility.

14. Rally bags; find some nice ones for the teams and fill them with maps, costuming, pen and paper, puzzle helpers, and thematic but sometimes irrelevant red herrings. Recommend certain cell phone apps to contestants.

15. Send the teams off, hide your last minute clues and now prepare the rally destination with provisions. Place-carded bedding arrangements are critical.

16. Breathe and pray that everyone has a great time and gets in safely.

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