Rally Alabama 2023
The hosting team of Laura and Pat Hannah and Denise Graves, along with the critical support of Duncan James and Barbara Mendenhall took the road rally to Birmingham Alabama, ending at the beautiful lake of Lake Martin, Alabama. The road rally took the teams through the quaint town of Birmingham, where we were sent to open air markets, mushroom farmers, sports museums, interesting downtown murals, coffee making shops, and the amazing Sloss Furnaces National Historical Landmark. All teams partook in a Civil Rights Walking Tour, where we walked the Walk of Freedom within view of the famous 16th Street Baptist Church, as well as the theater district. After seeing the town, the teams wended their way to the picturesque Lake Martin, passing through state parks and a large cemetery. The theme involved the culinary aspects of Southern cooking, along with trips through interesting civil rights areas.
Planning the rally was always difficult. Here are some pictures.
Fried Chicken
Fried Green Tomatoes
Arrival of Teams
The winning team was "Succotash," whose participants were Sharon Kelley, Adam Pearle and Rick Moore." Second Place went to "Fried Green Tomatoes," with Laura Ewing-Pearle, Mark Shuman Alan Bianchi and Dillon Dewitt. Third Place was awarded to "Banana Pudding," with Mike Broggie, Scott Hollingsworth , Wendy Taylor Miller and Simon Wiggins. Awards were also given for the Blue Plate Special Award and the Most Creative Award. The trophy for DFL was awarded to the Watermelon Team.