1991 brought to the fore the first of many of my rally collaborations with Laura Ewing. Having picked apart Los Angeles, there was one area that had remained untouched: Orange County. It wasn't hard to figure out why. It was so entirely homogenous, suburban, and lacking in much historical value that finding interesting clue sites was a challenge. However, the beautiful coastal areas, from Palos Verdes to the Balboa Peninsula, gave us plenty of rally fodder, from clues buried in beach sand to videos of suspenseful ocean cliff attacks where our own James Bond appears to plunge to his death. The themes were taken from hit films such as "Thelma and Louise" and "Silence of the Lambs," with the former team engaging in a make believe liquor store robbery complete with Groucho Marx masks. The twenty or so players' weekend rendezvous was a beach house on the Newport boardwalk. The fun weekend was the source of hilarious folklore for years to come.