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A Treasure Hunt for the Ages










In the summer of 1988, I was single, bored and living in the outskirts of the urban sprawl of Houston, Texas. I came upon an idea to have a theme beach party that required the guests to earn the knowledge of the destination. It was a treasure hunt of sorts, which would only reveal to the guests the locale of the three day beach party only if they underwent  a gauntlet of obstacles. Namely, it was a road rally that led them from cluesite to cluesite through Houston and down to Surfside on the Gulf of Mexico. Each team had a theme and an individual path. The ones who arrived first without a call to the hotline won first place.

Inexplicably, the race and party with all its flawed runs was a great success. We found that the experience was all folks talked about, from the windmill blade spinning with a clue on it in a putt putt golf course to the adult book store with its scrawled message in a peep show booth. We stayed in an octagonal three story beach house, all twelve of us, and ate and drank in merriment for the rest of the hard earned weekend. 


This is the story of our adventure, its valleys and peaks, and how it became  an annual centerpiece in our lives that can now be translated to a similar experience for you, your friends, and your kids. The History and Rallies indexes will give you a biographical display of the individual years and participants, and a documentary of the progression of this event from the  home grown party path and basic treasure hunt aspect to the elaborate, creative endeavor and high end weekend getaways it has become.  Visit our inbox, learn "about us", and contact us to see if the rally is suitable to be tailored to your entertainment needs. We do treasure hunts for children, car rallies for adults. The sky is the limit, even if you want to travel the world in eighty days on an international junket.


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